Let me guess. You are tired of the superficial.
You want to be a force for good in a world of
evil—a person of authenticity in a world of hypocrisy. You are weary of
witnessing what you see happening around you. You want to be part of the
answer, not part of the problem.
There is no question that Jesus expected each of us to shine the
light of God’s love among this dark, lost world. We are to spread it abroad and
to share the truth that we have been granted. In our homes, schools,
workplaces, recreations, and in every other area of our lives, there are ways
we can serve others.
That means moving beyond theory and wishful thinking. That means
reaching out, taking risks, and doing what Scripture commands.
Jesus said, “He who has My
commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will
be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him”
(John 14:21).
I’d call that a promise worthy to be claimed.
To be loved by God and to experience the presence of Christ
manifested in our lives is to possess a pearl of great price. It is to discover
kingdom living while still earthbound. But to attain it, we must obey what
Jesus taught us through His Word.
He commands us to love one another in word and in deed.
Pastors Blog: Chuck Swindoll
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